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Monday, February 01, 2010

Obama Calls for End to New Moon

The Article

Ok, apparently the movie "New Moon" is so bad, Obama wants to cancel our return to the moon.

Fine, because honestly, when George W. announced the new mission to reinvigorate NASA, I was unimpressed with the mission itself, but all for NASA coming up with new or updated technology for space travel.

So, not going to the moon again is fine... BUT WAIT! THERE'S MORE!

Not only does Hussain the Insane Obomba want to scrap the new moon mission, he wants to fundamentally change NASA into... something not NASA. No longer would NASA be spearhead of American space flight and missions, but it would be turned into a cog of the international community wheel.


Yeah, exactly. It's given a cheery side of more money, but the money will have to be spent technology that will be used in international collaborations. So, if there's a human landing on Mars, they won't be setting up a big lone American flag... nope, they'll just stick in bunch of tiny flags from all sorts of countries that donated to the cause. No more credit for doing anything, it'll be an international achievement instead. American pride and recognition... nah, we'll just blend ourselves in with the rest.

Russia agreed to an "international" space station because it couldn't afford to maintain it. It didn't do so to try and be friends with everyone, they had to do it because they really didn't have much of choice. So what the real reason we are suddenly going to change NASA? Chinese debt.

Yeah, that's my theory. Right now, we owe China a lot of money because they're bankrolling these fucking bailouts. So in turn, we are going to appease them by making a internationally communist space agency so that they, China, can further their space travel goals. Yeah, China. I have absolutely no proof, of course, but it's plausible enough I suppose. Not really a theory I guess, more like an hypothesis waiting to be tested.

Write your Federal Legislators, House and Senate, and tell them you're against the international communizing of our space agency. While you're at it, tell them the only thing that is broken and needs to be fixed, is the idea of giving tons of money to failed companies. That's so fail, both parties let it happen too... wonder why... oh, yeah, personal interests. (My God, we desperately need more honorable people in the legislature that put God and country before themselves.)

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