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Friday, July 09, 2010

NBC Comes Out of the Closet

NBC changes rules to allow gay `Today [Show]' wedding

Yeah, NBC is going gay. Good thing I don't watch NBC or the Today Show that much anyway. Personally, it's disgusting to see two fags kiss... makes me want to puke.

It's disgusting to the degree that I wish someone would sue to make sure it's not shown on TV, or at least provide a warning before a show or commercial airs saying that two fags are going to kiss. That way decent people can turn the channel.

I don't mind fags doing what they do in private, but it's a perversion that ought to be treated as such. Broadcasting it so that fags can feel like their normal is only pandering to them. Let them do their art and do whatever, but don't force people to watch it by not warning them ahead of time.

Wednesday, July 07, 2010

Google News

Google News

I used to like Google News. There were sections broken out in a way that was logical and easy to browse. It utilized two columns for the most part, and was simply a great, straight-forward way to browse and see what was happening.

Now, that's gone. The news is presented as a list. If you select "Sections" then it's still in a list but as you scroll down the single column, you'll see sections.

It's not only a step backward, but it's a significant step in the wrong direction. I suppose someone wanted to improve something, or maybe thought that something that worked so well for so many years must need to be changed. I don't know, but whatever the reason, the outcome and implementation of this new Google News is simply stupid. I hate it.

Hello, Yahoo! News.

Yahoo News has always been another one I liked, you can even comment on the news articles. They were probably already better format-wise, but now it's a definite. I see no reason to bother with anything else now.

So, if Google's change of its news format was meant to drive people to Yahoo, mission accomplished.

Friday, June 25, 2010

The Bank Bill

The Story

So, Congress passed the new bank bill that will now head to Obama for approval.

Does this potential law go far enough? I don't think so. I haven't heard any "too big to fail" companies crying, so that means they're going to live.

Apparently, the tools to liquidate "too big to fail" businesses are there, but they won't be used unless necessary... and THAT, is STUPID BEYOND BELIEF. Why? Because when the shit becomes apparent, the damage is already done.

Go back to the beginning of the current downturn. Before most people knew that we were even in a crisis, companies were about to crash. So bring in this new law to that situation... what are we going to do? "Oh, you're failing... well, we can liquidate you" ...and get practically nothing since it is already failed.

No, it's too little too late at that point. Nothing has been learned by anyone with the power to change the system in a way that protects citizens. Instead, the pandering of Wall Street continues and it will take a revolution to get lawmakers to do anything decent these days. Out with them all those corrupt idiots, the only way to show them that the people are their boss, is to get rid of them.

Yeah right, like that will ever happen.

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Illegal Immigration

NYTimes Story

So what if illegal immigration may be down right now... that's likely as temporary as the economic downturn. Same thing with the downturn in violent crimes, could even link it with the temporary shortfall in illegals coming across. Point is, there's no excuse for an unsecured border.

Every President is responsible, and Obama has failed just like every one before him. There's no way he'll secure the border. The only difference, and it's a big one, is that it's now such a problem that it has become of national interest and is a real issue. It was creeping up in some prior elections, but it's now starting to really get legs.

The New York Times leans left, and that's putting it mildly. And it appears that the argument for the left is... "What problem? We don't see a 'real' problem." Well, try opening your eyes. It's an issue that isn't going to go away by hiding your head or pretending it isn't there. Either do something, or the people will put in someone else who will.

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Death by Firing Squad

The Story

Guy on death row, 4th grade edyakayshun, and yet he happens to pick the better way to get executed. Yeah, firing squad is quick and humane, and the best thing is that you don't have to get a tube stuck up your butt, or catheter inserted in your penis. Getting executed is bad enough, going out via firing squad is definitely the more manly way to do it. Not that these sociopaths deserve a manly way to die, but in Utah they get the option.

BP Chief Sucks

The Story

The guy is a liar. He says he was personally devastated when finding out that there was an explosion and people died. Couldn't have been too shocking for him, BP is sort of the leader in explosions with people dying. Safety isn't something they let get in way of profits.

The guy is scum. BP should have been very much into safety after the Texas City explosion, but no, apparently that little incident didn't hurt their pocket book hard enough to register. Yeah, explosions and killing people is acceptable to their profit margin. The money they save by not following safety standards is greater than the cost of explosions and lives. Pond scum, all of them.

And then Joe Barton speaks, apologizing to BP? I knew the guy was a cement industry lackey, but oil too? Well, makes sense I guess. Apologizing to BP seems extreme though. Luckily for him though, his constituents want someone very pro-industry so they can keep their jobs.

Monday, May 03, 2010

Domo Arigato Mr. Obama

Go Bama! Go Bama! Do the robot!

Ok... three people, 3 different salutes. Not good. Not surprising since those guys are Air Force, but Obama's is definitely the worst. Did he hurt his back or something? What gives with making a salute look so gay? It's shameful. But, it's so awkward and bad that it's funny this guy is Commander-in-Chief. Perfect robot dance move though.

Thursday, April 08, 2010

Unblurred Face

Google blurs faces, and other things for privacy concerns. They missed one. Well, I'm sure this isn't the only one, but I found one. :)

19.395466, -99.121491 looking North to the truck bay, a couple of guys are walking on the street, one's face gets blurred, the closer one doesn't have his face blurred at all.

Do I get a prize?

Google This

Find this spot on Google street view:
19.416100, -99.088960

This is why people want their faces blurred... lol.

I was just wondering if street view was expanding into different countries, and it is. So I was just going around and checking out this city. One thing I noticed, is that cars seem to be grouped there, you don't just see one parked VW, you see at least 2, same thing for other types of vehicles of course. And then I came across this spot. I was looking at the tree because it appears to be something like one I have growing in my yard, a Montezuma Cypress. Or maybe it's called Monterrey Cypress, anyway, I was looking at the tree and there he is. Classic. So very Mexico.