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Friday, June 25, 2010

The Bank Bill

The Story

So, Congress passed the new bank bill that will now head to Obama for approval.

Does this potential law go far enough? I don't think so. I haven't heard any "too big to fail" companies crying, so that means they're going to live.

Apparently, the tools to liquidate "too big to fail" businesses are there, but they won't be used unless necessary... and THAT, is STUPID BEYOND BELIEF. Why? Because when the shit becomes apparent, the damage is already done.

Go back to the beginning of the current downturn. Before most people knew that we were even in a crisis, companies were about to crash. So bring in this new law to that situation... what are we going to do? "Oh, you're failing... well, we can liquidate you" ...and get practically nothing since it is already failed.

No, it's too little too late at that point. Nothing has been learned by anyone with the power to change the system in a way that protects citizens. Instead, the pandering of Wall Street continues and it will take a revolution to get lawmakers to do anything decent these days. Out with them all those corrupt idiots, the only way to show them that the people are their boss, is to get rid of them.

Yeah right, like that will ever happen.

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