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Friday, February 26, 2010

Computer geek misses real question

The Article
"Dr Graham-Cumming was at pains to point out that errors made by the office do not alter the big picture on climate change.

''It does not change the scientific story, and that is that the world is getting hotter,'' he said."

Ok, self-described "computer geek" finds a significant error in the method used to calculate average temperature. He then says, quoted above, that it doesn't alter the finding that the earth is warming up.

Hello? Anyone home? The question isn't whether there is global warming, but whether there is AGW... global warming as a result of human activity. In that light, a 1 degree skew is very significant, it's freekin huge.
Dear Dr Grahm-Cumming-miss-the-real-question, step away from the computer... slowly... that's right... now... look at what's really being argued. We know you're not a Doc of Poly Sci or whatnot, but it doesn't take one to know the right question that's being asked and so hotly (pun intended) debated.

But wait, there's more.

Another problem, most of the data is probably tainted.  How can that be, you ask?  Well, if you're inclined to prove AGW, you need some significant increases in global temperature.  Now, let's pretend you're not the most objective of scientists even in your gathering of data, what are you going to do?  Well, you're going to gather data that will more than likely show higher temps.  How will you do that?  Simple, just place you temperature monitors/stations at locations that will more likely than not show higher temperatures.

No?  You don't think this vast array of data is tainted?  Think again, one person even says 90% of the stations gathering data in the US fail in that they are within 100 feet of something that can influence temperature, like concrete, pavement, buildings, A/C exhaust, etc.

Let's face it.  The data gathered to date is simply unreliable... junk.  There are new stations being set up with better monitors, etc. so maybe in a few years we'll have better data on our current situation, but right now, forget about it, so many holes it's like swiss cheese.

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