Thursday, December 21, 2006
Lawmaker won't apologize for 'Islamophobic'�letter -
But... I thought muslims hated America. Why would a muslim want to live with what they consider evil? Ironic. Well, unless they're full of shit. Yeah, that's probably closer to the truth. Just like how they do those fake protests that last as long as the camera is rolling. "Make room for the camera man so he can get a good shot of us burning a plastic flag." I actually heard someone proclaim that Islam is a peaceful religion... I may have been born at night, but not last night. Hello... the middle east isn't peaceful now, and has never been peaceful before... they call people martyrs if the die killing others in the name of their religion... they still dress as though it's still medieval times!
Even so, I don't think it's bad to allow immigrants from the middle east, you can't help where you were born. I think a better position to take would be to, along with limiting the overall amount of immigrants allowed to enter the county, that the ones applying be checked, thoroughly, for extremism or other areas of concern and only allow those to enter who are clearly and convincingly above board. That shouldn't hurt or be unfair, in my totally non-expert opinion. :)
Got Fat? Don't Blame Yourself, Blame Bacteria
HAHA... yeah right, it's not the fact that you're eating twice as much as a person who's of normal (notice I don't say average since most Americans are fat) weight, you're just a victim of having bacteria that are good at what they do. Seriously... gimme a break. (link has pic of lardass on poor innocent chair)
Wednesday, December 20, 2006
Tuesday, December 19, 2006
Ain't No Sunshine

'Ain't No Sunshine' (Will Young?)
Ain't no sunshine when she's gone
It's not warm when she's away
Ain't no sunshine when she's gone
And she always gone too long anytime she goes away
Wonder this time where she's gone
Wonder if she's gone to stay
Ain't no sunshine when she's gone
And this house just ain't no home
Anytime she goes away
I know, I know, I know, I know
I know, I know, I know, I know
I know, I know, I know, I know
I know, know, know, know, know
I know, I know
Hey I ought to
I ought to leave her alone
Ain't no sunshine when she's gone
Ain't no sunshine when she's gone
Only darkness everyday
Ain't no sunshine when she's gone
And this house just ain't no home
Anytime she goes away
Was thinking of Sheri again yesterday when this song just popped in my head. Yeah, well, I know I need to cowboy up and get over it, but I keep thinking of her. I know it's over even though she never said as much, and I certainly wanted to keep it going... but it sure is hard to move on when you still have that lingering hope.
Reading, going out with friends, doing stuff around the house, working out, those things help to keep my mind off her, but then when I'm just sitting around somewhere, anywhere when I have time to think, I inevitably think of Sheri. I guess I'm weak. Love can sure be painful. It's like I almost wish I'd never met her, that way I wouldn't be in this funk (pretty selfish huh?). I guess time will eventually heal, hopefully God has something even better for me since this didn't work out. And hopefully she'll find happiness too, even though it looks like it won't be with me.
Friday, December 15, 2006
Britney Spears' boobs
She's young and has a nice body, so who cares if she shows it off... It'd be different if she was ugly or flabby, but she's pretty enough so it's ok. :)
Wednesday, December 13, 2006
Illinois police officer charged with DUI
What irony!
Thursday, December 07, 2006
Internet campaign protests honoring of Dutch soldiers who failed to stop Srebrenica massacre
What a bunch of horseshit! Especially on this day, December 7th, on the anniversary of the attack on Pearl Harbor, where we, the USA, lost a terrible battle in a surprise attack by the Japanese. We lost a little over 2,000 lives in a matter of minutes. We got spanked, in other words. The same happened to the Dutch soldiers, they lost that battle. They didn't massacre anyone, they simply didn't win a battle that, had the circumstances been different like having more men, aerial support, and better armament/equipment, then maybe the battle would have been won.
But it wasn't. I doubt the Serbs were mindlessly roaming the countryside. I'm sure they saw what they were up against, then planned and executed a winning strategy. The Japanese saw what they were up against at Pearl Harbor, they planned and executed a winning strategy.
So, how the hell do these people get off on trying to humiliate the Dutch soldiers who were there trying to help. Some of whom will never fully recover from the experience. Why be so critical of their nation in honoring the effort and sacrifices they gave not only for their own nation, but a foreign one as well. In America, we honor those who survived and died in Pearl Harbor on December 7, 1941 from the Japanese attack. We don't try to humiliate them and tell them they should have won to spare other lives. That'd be just insane!
It's just amazing to me how an idiot on a radio station can find so many other idiots to lead around. And that's not limited to just this one critical of the Dutch soldiers... even here in the good ol' US of A, I'm sure you can think of some idiots on radio who have audiences which let the radio guy do their thinking. But anyway, this is such in poor taste on a couple of levels, I find it disgraceful.
No, I wasn't there so I don't know exactly what happened. But I do know that war is hell and that we should honor and respect those who serve their country. Shit happens in battles, one wrong decision or move can change the outcome. Anyone who doesn't know this doesn't know much history. And certainly one business that doesn't require much knowledge of history is a student radio station, as evidenced by this one which blindly protests on a whim. ,,|,,
Friday, November 17, 2006
Ohio State-Michigan: Biggest college football game ever?
Not no, but hell no. Last year's championship game was much bigger with USC's Heisman trophy winners and Texas' Vince Young who should have won the trophy over Bush, in my opinion anyway. It was No. 1 v. No. 2 for the championship, major NFL type talent on both sides of the ball, both sides with something to prove, it just doesn't get any bigger than that game. To even suggest OSU v. Michigan in a regular season game could be the biggest ever... that's just idiocy.
Thursday, November 16, 2006
So, I'm pretty depressed and my friend Misty calls and tells me her mom died... a week ago! Her mom, Karen, had cancer that got pretty bad. A few months ago, Misty took her on a cruise, just the two of them, and they had a great time. It meant so much to Karen, and Misty. I've been praying for Karen, and I know she's much more comfortable now. So, Misty told me she's been really sad but glad Karen isn't suffering anymore. So, she's depressed about her mom, I'm depressed about Sheri, and so she asks me if I'd like to go out with her and Kat on Saturday. Brilliant. We both need to get out and have some fun, or at least try to. Misty said she's going to make me have fun. You'd think I was the worse off, but she's the one who lost her mom. But Misty is really strong, I admire her for her inner strength. She happened to mention about how she had given a situation to God, and He came through for her. I hadn't told her yet about how I had given my situation to God, so hopefully mine will turn out good too.
I don't expect to hear anything from Sheri anytime soon since she rarely checks her mailbox. Plus, I put a picture of us in there that she hadn't seen before the Friday I last saw her, and that hasn't produced any reaction. So, why not go out and have some drinks Saturday night? Plus, I haven't seen Misty in forever, so it'll be nice to see her. Kat is cool too. Maybe Mickey, Misty's hubby, will come too, though he'll probably stay home and watch the two babies and maybe Kat's daughter too. What a handful. Speaking of which, Misty says her boobs are huge. I mean, they were already big, but now that she's had another kid and breast-feeding, they're producing milk and so they're really huge. So anyway, it'll be nice to see Misty and Kat, maybe that'll help to temporarily take my mind off Sheri.
I just wonder still how long I should wait before attempting to move on. Maybe I'll just wait until I think I'm over her, that way it won't be like I'm rebounding. Maybe I'll just wait a couple weeks to see if she tries to contact me at all, if she doesn't, then I'll just go ahead and do my own thing and forever wonder why the woman of my dreams suddenly disconnected from me. Yeah, wait a couple weeks and then move on. After all it's already been a month since she started distancing herself from me. Ugh, she said thanks for being patient, that she just needs some time. Well crap, how much time? I know the answer is that she doesn't know. How can anyone know. Am I doing the right thing by not trying to communicate anymore after the letter? I don't want to harass anyone, and if she doesn't want to talk to me, then I feel like that's what I'd be doing. So confused, she's depressed and I don't want to make it even rougher on her. I guess I love her enough to not talk to her? Heh, that's pretty funny. But she needs to do whatever it she needs to do, and she wants to do that without me. I just hope when she's better, that she'll let me know whether she wants me again, good or bad because closure is good to have when something is dead. We'll see.
Clear Channel agrees to $18.7B buyout - Yahoo! News
They has approved? You is a writer? You knows grammar? /sarcasm off
Wednesday, November 08, 2006
No Love with Depression?
About 4 weeks ago, Sheri tells me that she needs some time to herself because she felt like she hadn't been spending enough time with her son. Then the next weekend, her son away at his dad's, she tells me she still needs some time to herself because she's feeling depressed and overwhelmed with stuff that needs to be done around the house (as if I'm not more than willing to help and had already done a lot?). The Thursday after that we talked, she still wanted time to herself, I told she seemed to be getting distant and asked if everything was ok between us, she said yes. She further explained that she's really depressed, mentioned thoughts of suicide (been there) as to how serious it was. I told her one story of mine when I thought I was going to do it after a big argument with my dad. I didn't tell her about a couple other times though... but I hoped she knew that I could relate.
So Friday, nothing, no call, no text, no anything. Saturday I text her asking if she's alright, she texts back that she's ok and that she and some of her relatives were burning wood outside. Sunday, nothing. I'm calling, texting, trying to talk to her and getting nothing. I text her on her son's birthday, the next Thursday (Nov. 2) and she replies saying thanks, it was thoughtful of me, smiley face. Ok... One thing I noticed was that she hadn't said or texted "I love you" since the last time we actually talked on the phone. I could tell something was up, I sent a text the next afternoon, Friday, asking if her not talking to me and not seeing meant she wanted to see me anymore, that I didn't want to lose her but I need to know if she wants me out. No reply. Later on I called, no answer. I called again, left a long message about how I love her, and that because I was hoping that we'd one day get married etc., that it especially hurts me that she's not talking to me, is it just the depression, did I make you mad, what? and that if I don't hear back from you soon, I'm coming over there and you can tell me in person... but as I was hanging up my big thumb hit a number and I heard a beep. I figured it went through.
So I drive down there, I think I may have waited at most 10 minutes before grabbing a jacket and taking off. I couldn't take it anymore. Not seeing her or hearing from her kills me. She's so sweet, thoughtful, nice, and overall simply beautiful inside and out, at least when she's not depressed. Oh, by the way, everyone I tell says she's probably cheating or found someone else. It's not like her to lie, and I know she feels the same way I do in that we're not ones to see more than one person at a time. I, personally, find it disgusting but I don't blame other people for doing it. I wish I could, then maybe it wouldn't take me so long to find my soul mate. But here I am, thinking I have.
Anyway, I arrive at her house and knock on the door. She answers... I'm just floored at how beautiful she is. She's not wearing makeup and was painting a room so she wasn't dressed up or anything, but it'd been a few weeks since I last saw her, and I'm telling you, I guess I'd forgotten how physically attractive she is because I'd been so in love with who she is... I guess love can blind out appearances.
So I ask her basically what's going on, why isn't she talking, etc. She tells me she's really depressed, that she's not returning other people's phone calls, that she really just needs some time, and that there's nothing to talk about. I asked her if she'd thought about taking medication again for it, and she said she needs to see her doctor. She had already told me a while ago that she was told she should probably be on antidepressants for the rest of her life, and that she hadn't taken anything since... I think she said since March and this was in September I think.
I was really relieved. I was unhappy that she was so depressed of course, but relieved that it wasn't something like her wanting to break up, which I was prepared to hear. She then talked about a lot of things that had been going on (nothing to talk about?) and we went and smoked a cigarette. We go back inside and in the kitchen we talk more. I tell her I love her and she says "you put me on the spot." Oh god. What the hell. She explains that she doesn't feel like she loves me, that she doesn't feel like she's capable of being in a relationship at this time. I asked if it was the depression, she doesn't know. I ask if it's temporary... she doesn't know. I'm of course stunned, taken aback, and I try to tell her that it really hurts to hear that because I had hopes for us. (Oh, she never got the message I left on the phone, apparently whatever I pressed erased it) I then make my exit, ask for another hug, we hug, tight. I ask for a kiss, she says not a good one, and so I gave her a kiss. As I pulled away I noticed her smiling big. I've seen it before, the smile she has when she's really happy. At least that's what I thought it was. If she has no feeling of love for me and I see that smile... what the hell? Have I been totally duped? Does she still love me deep down inside? Or was she just smiling because I had my eyes closed while we kissed and she peeked? Or have I just been some sort of play thing for her?
Anyway, I can only hope that somehow her depression is what caused her to lose the feeling of love she once had for me. I have to give her time to get her life straightened out, which is apparently fixing up the house enough to where she can come home and relax.
My stepsister told me that it's really hard to love a depressed person because "all they can really think about is their own little world and it's hard for them to focus on anything or anyone else." Makes sense. I've had mild depression all my life, but this is the first time I guess that I've ever really seen full blown depression.
Part of me thinks I'll never see Sheri again, that she'll recover and during that time she'll meet someone new and forget about me. A part of me, to be honest, thinks she really doesn't want to continue with our relationship even if she does get better. I tend to think the worst so that I can be prepare for it since I'm pretty sensitive. But, I've given her a couple of really good opportunities to let me know if she wanted it to end, and she didn't. So, I guess I have a little hope that maybe I won't lose her.
I sent her tulips, her favorite, and she text me saying thanks and that they're beautiful, and a smiley face. I've been good about not calling her, it's hard, real hard, but that's what she seems to want for now.
Anyway, after visiting her Friday night, hearing she doesn't love me, etc., I've been pretty depressed myself. People at work can tell, everyone. Monday night, I prayed to god and just gave him the situation. If it's his will that I be with Sheri, then it will work out. If not, then it won't. I'm not going to worry about it because it's in his hands now. I'll still do my part of course... umm... like sending flowers once in a while, and I think I'm going to write a letter since I tend to express myself better through writing than verbally. I really don't know what to do. I don't understand how a person can suddenly cease loving another. This wasn't some flash in the pan love, it was still growing, slowly, one that lasts if given the chance. I feel like part of my heart has died a premature death. The hurt is so deep... and I have to question whether I'll be able to handle this again if we get back together and she has another episode. I've no idea, but I don't feel like I'll have to worry about it since it seems like she doesn't and may never have really truly loved me... or is that just my own depression talking? Who knows.
Thursday, October 26, 2006
Cleric blames rape on 'suggestive' women
'The cats or the uncovered meat?'"
-- So, according to the muslim faith or at least this particular person, teenage muslim boys have as much self control, or lack thereof, as cats... rely on instinct... have no conscience... don't know right from wrong... lack MORALES???? So what does that say of the religion, women are responsible for the morale behavior of muslim men? That muslim men cannot be responsible for their actions if enticed or provoked? Sounds pretty weak, wishy washy, convenient... makes me wonder what a muslim stands for, because all I ever hear about them is them blaming everyone else for whatever they feel is wrong. I don't see them searching for God, but hoping to get some virgin bootae after they die. What kind of goal is that? Does this whole religion revolve around sex? And what happens to them after the virgins are no longer virgins... or is it your duty to keep them virgin... in which case, wouldn't that be hell? Well, maybe they're really ugly, so it isn't so hard.
Tuesday, October 24, 2006
Iran's envoy to Moscow says Tehran keen to restart nuclear talks
Of course they want to have more talks... more talks means more time for them to further develop their nuclear ambitions. Hello?
Thursday, October 12, 2006
News 8 Austin
Yellow Bike Project to lose headquarters
10/11/2006 10:38 PM
By: Hermelinda Vargas
"The bike project involved into something much more; it's now an educational nonprofit."
EVOLVED maybe? Sheesh!
Wednesday, October 04, 2006
Bush signs homeland security bill - Yahoo! News
By DEB RIECHMANN, Associated Press Writer
"President Bush on Thursday signed a homeland security bill that includes an overhaul of the Federal Emergency Management Agency and $1.2 billion for fencing along the U.S.-Mexico border to stem illegal immigration.
Bush signs homeland security bill - Yahoo! News
It's about damn time...
By DEB RIECHMANN, Associated Press Writer
Bush signs homeland security bill - Yahoo! News
It's about damn time...
By DEB RIECHMANN, Associated Press Writer
Wednesday, August 09, 2006
The Raw Story | Kerry endorses Lamont over Lieberman in general election
United States Senator John Kerry (D-MA) today came out in support Ned Lamont's bid to be the next Senator from Connecticut, RAW STORY has learned.
Calling the result of the vote, "a strong statement about the current course in Iraq," Kerry has "strongly" endorsed Lamont over current Democratic Senator Joe Lieberman.
"I’ve worked with Joe Lieberman since our days in college together," Kerry said in a statement today, "and I respect his many contributions to our public life. But the Democratic Party stands for something, and the Democratic Party in Connecticut has made a choice."
"The events of the past months make even more clear," Kerry added, "the differences Democratic leadership would make for our country on Iraq, in making America safer, in having an economy that works for everyone, and in achieving energy independence. That’s who we are as Democrats, and that’s what we’ll be fighting for. It’s time for all Democrats to come together to support Ned Lamont. It’s time for Democrats to unite.”
And so the Democrats will be seen as cowards, and the Republicans will win again. Nice job! With the idiots Democrats are putting up for our highest office, it's really hard to take them seriously these days. I guess I'm starting to lean towards the right now... oh well.
Tuesday, August 08, 2006 : Pro-war Lieberman on brink
Ya know... we need a new Democrat system to pick candidates because it seems the South has no say, and that's the demographic which is needed to win. You pick some yankee, anti-war, anti-everything, and expect to win... you're mistaken. Democrats need a Southern Democrat platform, you know, something realistic and more with how most of the country thinks and feels. He doesn't have to be an intellectual... GW... but should be able to articulate the core values and beliefs most Americans can relate with. Having someone who is "anti-Iraq" is going to lose. Because that means you don't support our troops, it means you may humiliate America in your eagerness to get our troops out. We had enough humiliation in the 70s... and I don't think we should run from a fight, especially against terrorists. I don't think most of America would support that as well.
It's one thing to be angry at why we're there, but to let that anger make you stupid is another matter entirely. And I'm thinking yet again, Democrats are going to lose because they're just being stupid again. Step back, feel the pulse of America instead of your own, then come up with a Democratic platform that isn't so freekin biased towards yankee attitude. But no, nobody has the balls to inform yankee democrats that they're all screwed up. :P
Monday, August 07, 2006
Lebanon demands ceasefire as death toll climbs
Had Lebanon not allowed Hezbola to fester within its borders, then all that's happening now would not have occured. The blood of innocents that happened to be killed is on Lebanon's hands, not Israel's. If Lebanon truly wants the fighting to end, they can do it by getting rid of Hezbola. (I've seen "Hezbola" spelled different ways so I'm spelling it my own way too)
Thursday, August 03, 2006
Fighting in Lebanon: Ground Troops Spread as Hezbollah Fires Deeper into Israel - International - SPIEGEL ONLINE - News
Hezbollah rockets on Wednesday reached the deepest into Israel so far: One fell on the town of Beit Shean some 42 miles from the border, and another strayed into the West Bank. Fierce fighting, meanwhile, continued just inside southern Lebanon, as Hezbollah guerrillas clashed with Israeli forces near the border village of Taibeh. An Israeli missile destroyed a house in the village and killed a family of three, according to Lebanese security officials.
Hello! There's like... military conflict going on if you haven't heard the bombs and stuff exploding. So if you have a family or otherwise living in southern lebanon, get out!
Tuesday, August 01, 2006
ABC News: Iranian Presidents Rejects Resolution
Chavez' two-day visit comes as Iran faces renewed international criticism for its nuclear program and as a backer of Hezbollah guerrillas, engaged in fighting with Israel since they captured to Israeli soldiers July 12.(AP Photo/Hasan Sarbakhshian)
Ok, this is ABC news, and they don't catch a "to" that should be a "two." Nice job ABC.
Wednesday, July 19, 2006
Lebanon demands compensation from Israel - Yahoo! News
BEIRUT, Lebanon - Israeli troops clashed with Hezbollah guerrillas on the Lebanese side of the border Wednesday, while Lebanon's prime minister reported a death toll of 300 and demanded compensation from
Israel for the 'unimaginable losses' to the nation's infrastructure.
Israel should be charging Lebanon for expenses incurred in their sweeping out hezbola, which Lebanon was supposed to have done years ago. Lebanon's weakness and failure to do that is the root cause of why Israel now has to do Lebanon's dirty work. But for Lebanon's failure to take control of their country 6 years ago and rid themselves of the hezbola, they wouldn't have had all the current damage which Israel believes is necessary to eliminate hezbola. Lebanon impliedly asked Israel to do this by taking no action at all. What else could they have possibly expected? That Israel was just going to let hezbola fester in Lebanon after Lebanon agreed to take control of the problem?
Anyway, Iran is ultimately to blame. Jimmy Carter should have had a pair of balls back then and dealt with them instead of making the US look like a bunch of pansies. Thanks Jimmy. I actually like him now though, good guy, but a lame president. So yeah, here we are again dealing with Iran's crap. How do the Iranian people tolerate it?? Doesn't make sense to me at all.
Tuesday, June 13, 2006
Israel blames Hamas mine for beach blast - Yahoo! News
Palestinians angrily rejected the findings, saying militants were unlikely to plant bombs at a beach teeming with hundreds of people every weekend.
The bloody images of dead Palestinian civilians and wailing survivors on the beach kindled anger against Israel that has swept around the world."
-Whatever... I think Israel has a lot more credibility than Hamas. The people over there really do seem to look for any reason to help them be identified as victims, when they should have tried to assimilate into a peaceful society so that they could actually prosper instead of having to rely on handouts their whole lives. Of course I don't live there, thank God, so maybe I'm way off, but I see nothing nor hear nothing contrary.
Tuesday, May 23, 2006
Microsoft speeds up virtualization push -
I think phonics is showing itself more and more in print these days. For instance, in the above, the author uses the word "then" rather than "than." Why, well because spellcheck expects the author to know the difference. Come on, it's really not that hard... earlier than, rather than, bigger than, smaller than, stupider than... first this, then that, if this, then that, because of this, then that... basically, this then that. Get an editor.
VOA News - Amnesty Sees Duplicity in 'War on Terror'
"Amnesty International has accused the United States and other major powers setting aside human rights protections in the war on terror."
- OK, so what are we supposed to do, kill them with kindness?
"Ms. Khan has singled out the United States for particular criticism over the detention of suspected terrorists at a military base at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba."
- So... is there some other place we should hold them? Are they supposed to stay at a Hilton? Motel 6? Or does Guantanamo Bay, Cuba have some intrinsic element to it that constitutes cruelty whereas if they were detained someplace else it would not? Surely it can't be that bad, the base has been there for quite some time now. It's even tropical. Hmm... so maybe we could do the opposite and detain the suspected terrorists in Alaska or maybe someplace on the Antarctic, and maybe that would make this more humanitarian. Enough sarcasm, the things people are saying these days is laughable enough as it is.
Friday, May 19, 2006
Senate Votes Twice for English Language - Yahoo! News
By SUZANNE GAMBOA, Associated Press Writer 38 minutes ago
WASHINGTON - Whether English is America's 'national language' or its national 'common and unifying language' was a question dominating the Senate immigration debate.
The Senate first voted 63-34 to make English the national language after lawmakers who led the effort said it would promote national unity.
But critics argued the move would prevent limited English speakers from getting language assistance required by an executive order enacted under
President Clinton. So the Senate also voted 58-39 to make English the nation's 'common and unifying language.'
'We are trying to make an assimilation statement,' said Sen. Lindsey Graham (news, bio, voting record), R-S.C., one of two dozen senators who voted Thursday for both English proposals.
Sen. Jim Inhofe, R-Okla., disputed charges that making English the national language was racist or aimed at Spanish speakers. Eleven Democrats voted for his measure."
This is what makes Democrats look like idiots, not voting for something that will unify Americans. Instead they take the stand that it's devisive. Democrats need to realize that America isn't a free-for-all, as in you can't cross the Rio Grande and just do whatever the hell you please. We've been accommodating that for far too long which is why things are the way they are right now, devisive, and why it's only going to get worse the longer we don't do anything about it. It sucks because I like some of the Democrat ideals... but on some other things they are just ass backwards, in my opinion.
Friday, May 12, 2006
The top news headlines on current events from Yahoo! News
Well... the whole reason we're still over there is because of enemy action.
Thursday, May 11, 2006
Text / The Complete Military History of France
Interesting that France is still France considering how often they lose.
Wednesday, May 03, 2006
The Seattle Times: Business & Technology: You can't spell new Microsoft without A and D
It sounds like they could be thinking about putting ads within the OS... that'd be the right push to go to Linux or some other Ad-Free OS for me. Ads suck.
Tuesday, May 02, 2006
What is it about her? It's not her very large boobs, even though I am a boob-guy. It's not her very nice butt, though I really do like it too. It's not her eyes, though I could stare into them forever. It's not her hair, though I'd love to sink my fingers through it every day. It's not physical at all...
It's how happy she becomes when I give her a gift, she fusses over it, telling me how she loves it and how wonderful it is. It's how she cries on my shoulder when something has made her very upset. It's the feelings that are shared when we've embraced each other. It's our common beliefs. It's our compensating differences. It's love isn't it? But love comes from God. So why do I love someone in a "situation?" Has God sent me to hell?
Thursday, April 27, 2006
Wednesday, April 26, 2006
The Harvard Crimson :: News :: Publisher Rejects Soph’s Apology
The thing that's more shocking than a 19 y.o. student cheating these days, is how brazenly she went about it. Knowing that she lifted so much from another's work, how could she not know that someone would recognize it? How did she get into Harvard if she's so stupid as to think people will actually believe her lame excuse that McCafferty's work was in her subconcious and simply spilled out onto her own work. She's not very bright, she's certainly cheated and got away with it many times before to think that she could get away with this, she should be quickly kicked out of Harvard, and she should be investigated for other acts of cheating in the past so that other colleges aren't duped by a cheat-gpa or other lies. What a disgrace.
Monday, April 17, 2006
States Help Schools Hide Minority Scores - Yahoo! News
Dear Ms. Smith, your daughter is a "her." So the next time you talk of someone sitting next to your daughter, you can say that they are sitting next to "her" and not "him or her" because that makes it sound like you're not sure of your daughter's gender. Geez.
Tuesday, April 04, 2006
Fan tosses syringe near Bonds
Fan tosses syringe near Bonds: "Fan tosses syringe near Bonds
(AP) - SAN DIEGO-A fan tossed a syringe near Barry Bonds as he came off the field in between innings on Monday at Petco Park, and the San Francisco Giants slugger said he picked it up in his glove and carried it off the field.
The syringe apparently did not have a needle.
'I just put it off the field so no one would get hurt,' said Bonds, who is under investigation by Major League Baseball for alleged steroid use.
The syringe toss occurred after the bottom of the eighth inning of the San Diego Padres' 6-1 win over the Giants.
'If that's what they want to do, embarrass themselves, then that's on them,' Bonds said. 'That has nothing to do with me at all.'
According to the book 'Game of Shadows,' written by two San Francisco Chronicle reporters, Bonds used a vast array of performance-enhancing drugs, including steroids and human growth hormone, for at least five seasons beginning in 1998. According to the book, Bonds used several substances in various forms, including by injecting himself with a syringe and taking injections from his personal trainer.
Bonds, who has denied using performance-enhancing drugs, was booed often by the sellout crowd of 43,767 on Monday.
'I don't judge them,' Bonds said. 'I have to concentrate on baseball. I leave that up to you guys to make those statements in the paper.'"
Thursday, March 23, 2006
Fidelity Laptop With Customer Info. Stolen
"Fidelity Laptop With Customer Info. Stolen
(AP) - BOSTON-A laptop computer belonging to Fidelity Investments and containing sensitive data on about 196,000 retirement-account customers was stolen last week, the company said.
The nation's largest mutual-fund manager confirmed reports Thursday that the computer held information on participants in Hewlett-Packard Co.'s pension and 401(k) plans and that it has alerted those affected, offering them free credit monitoring for 12 months.
The data included names, addresses, birth dates, Social Security numbers and other information that potentially could be used by identity thieves.
There is no evidence that the data has been misused, Fidelity spokeswoman Anne Crowley said. Fidelity is not disclosing where the laptop was stolen from, just that it was in the United States, she said.
Boston-based Fidelity, the sole provider of Hewlett-Packard's defined benefit and defined contribution plans, said it would reimburse account holders for any losses linked to unauthorized transactions connected to the stolen laptop.
It is unusual to have so much information on one laptop, Crowley said, but the computer in question was brought to a business meeting by a team of employees.
Fidelity said the license to the software that contained the data has expired and, as a result, the scrambled data is difficult to interpret.
As an additional precaution to prevent misuse of the information, Fidelity has expanded the number of authentication steps required by HP plan members to access data about their accounts, Crowley said.
Fidelity is recommending that the affected Hewlett-Packard employees remain vigilant for the next year or two, regularly review account activity and obtain a credit report from one or more of the national credit reporting companies."
Friday, January 06, 2006
DVD is dead, but what's coming next? - Technology -
To hell with Sony and their Blu-Ray root kit trojan horses. I don't trust Sony farther than I can spit at them. Most of their products tend to be crap these days anyway.