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Thursday, October 26, 2006

Cleric blames rape on 'suggestive' women

Telegraph | News | Cleric blames rape on 'suggestive' women: "'If you take out uncovered meat and place it outside on the street, or in the garden or in the park ... and the cats come and eat it ... whose fault is it?

'The cats or the uncovered meat?'"

-- So, according to the muslim faith or at least this particular person, teenage muslim boys have as much self control, or lack thereof, as cats... rely on instinct... have no conscience... don't know right from wrong... lack MORALES???? So what does that say of the religion, women are responsible for the morale behavior of muslim men? That muslim men cannot be responsible for their actions if enticed or provoked? Sounds pretty weak, wishy washy, convenient... makes me wonder what a muslim stands for, because all I ever hear about them is them blaming everyone else for whatever they feel is wrong. I don't see them searching for God, but hoping to get some virgin bootae after they die. What kind of goal is that? Does this whole religion revolve around sex? And what happens to them after the virgins are no longer virgins... or is it your duty to keep them virgin... in which case, wouldn't that be hell? Well, maybe they're really ugly, so it isn't so hard.

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