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Tuesday, October 04, 2005

Hurricane Aid

My cousin got the hell out of Beaumont after Rita. He's been worried sick because his job there is in limbo since they have no electricity, and his rented house received a lot of water damage as evidenced by a collapsed ceiling on most all of his posessions and lots of mold. So, no job, no home, he brought a handful of clothes with him and has been looking for work here in Austin. Yesterday was his 30th Bday, and he was pretty depressed.

But my oh my what a difference a day can make. He's been told that Dal Tile wants to hire him here, and he happened to check his bank account and found $2,000 deposited! Now he's looking forward to working and using that $2,000 to get him settled here in Austin. So the next time I or any family member of mine is looking to have some flooring done, I'm pointing them to Dal Tile and noone else*. And if anyone asks me about the relief effort, I'm telling them it made a HUGE difference.

*EDIT: Correction, Dal Tile is the suck. My cousin went in to interview with the boss of the boss, and he expressed some concern over the work history. But he was going to talk with a couple of people and let my cousin know something. After waiting a fews hours, my cousin leaves a message at noon asking for a call back, checking on the status. Then at 4 p.m., my cousin gets a hold of the guy, but he doesn't have an answer yet since he's still waiting to hear from my cousin's last boss. Yesterday, no call back at all. What an arse.

Good news is, looks like my cousin may get a job blowing things up at some limestone place, which pays even more than Dal Tile would've. Blessings in disguise. =)

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