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Wednesday, October 19, 2005

Barry Bonds*

BALCO's Conte and Bonds' trainer Anderson sentenced to jail terms - Yahoo News

If Barry Bonds comes back after his "injury" this year and manages to break Babe Ruth's or Hank Aaron's records next year, then there better be a big, fat, conspicuous, make-no-mistake-about-it notation that the guy got it by cheating/doping. Maybe have the name italicized and in a smaller font so as further separate it from legitimate players.

Same goes for the other players who were pumped up on steroids and broke records, like McGwire. Maybe Bonds saw McGwire getting all that attention, knowing that everyone either knew or suspected that he was pumped full of steroids, and decided that if McGwire can do it, then why shouldn't he. So the old fart suddenly gets huge and goes on a little homerun sprint of his own. He probably felt justified in doing so... but just because someone else cheats does not make it acceptable, and the poisonous fruits of the cheating should be discarded.

Anyway, maybe it's just a matter of time before using steroids, chemicals and whatever else is found becomes just a part of the game. Where fetuses are bio-engineered to be athletes. Where athletes are no longer admired for being born/blessed with extraordinary athletic ability or skill. Was it Barry Bonds/Mark McGwire, or was it the steroids? What percentage of it was Bonds/McGwire or steroids? Who knows, who cares, they're losers.

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