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Friday, October 14, 2005

America Unsatisfied

Summary of Findings: Plurality Now Sees Bush Presidency as Unsuccessful: "Plurality Now Sees Bush Presidency as Unsuccessful"

This month, October 2005, the percentage of people saying they are dissatisfied with the way things are going on in this country has shot up from 58% in July, to 65% now. That's HUGE! Why? Hmm... probably a combination of things. Like DeLay's grand jury indictment being pinned down as an extortionist, money-launderer; Rove's potential indictment looming in the air for exposing a spy; Frist's SEC investigation for dumping his stocks just before some bad news was made public; WMD's not being found in Iraq, nor the near-nuclear bomb capability; the failure to foresee resistance to America after defeating Saddam Hussein's Iraq; the lies upon lies upon more lies followed up with a "trust me" for Bush's nomination of Harriet Miers for the Supreme Court; the hiring of someone from a polo or horse association to be the head of F.E.M.A., a polluter as head of E.P.A., and a few other people that are the antithesis of what they lead; the lackluster performance of rendering aid to those affected by Hurricanes Katrina and Rita; the badgering and drawn out demise of the bad idea to privatize Social Security (; the realization that this administration is not representing the public's interest, but rather corporate interests, and that they were duped by someone so dumb and ineffectual.

Pretty pathetic no matter how you look at it.

How ironic it is that this administration, Bush's, was put into office by those claiming moral superiority. Christians, fundamentalist or otherwise, were persuaded by their church leaders that voting for Bush was critical to keeping ungodliness from overtaking America. I'm a Christian, but I also believe like Paul did and choose not to be a mindless person, but one that thinks and has discernment. Bush is deceptive and has deceived many, but hey, to him it's all part of winning. It's a shame that so many Christians appear almost eager to be deceived. Probably no different than the radical Muslims who want to blow themselves up for jeehad, jihad, gee-hawd, whatever... or is it martyrdom? Anyway, same thing, different religion and way of doing it. If only fundamentalist Christians and radical Muslims knew how much they have in common, they'd probably rule the earth and nothing would happen for a thousand years. Boring.

Anyway, I'm so sick of Bush being in office that I can't wait until the next election. But if America votes in another thinking-challenged person, i.e. retarded in the head like Bush, then I'm going advocate that intelligence standards be implemented before allowing one to vote. =) And no, I'm not a Democrat, I'm an independent thinker and simply vote for who I believe to be most qualified, or has the better name... yeah, I voted for some local level candidates and had no idea what either stood for. But this next election coming up I'm going to know.

My cousin didn't even vote last election, so I tell him he can't gripe. Well, his counter to that is that he's a veteran and so that gives him the right to gripe. Being one myself, I'll go ahead and agree. But, interestingly, even though he would generally be better represented with Democrat representation, he shows distaste for them. Why? He doesn't know. I think he just likes the toughness exuberated by Republican commercials.

Back in the day, Clayton Williams probably put out the most hard-core, tough-minded, take-no-shit commercials a person could have had. He let it be known in the commercial that he would crack down on youth criminal activity by taking away their driver's licenses and putting them in a boot-camp like atmosphere where they'd be breaking rocks. He had other shocking things, but all that toughness exuberated on the TV made him a shoe-in for Governor of Texas. At least until he took off the shoe and stuck his foot in his mouth, a couple of times. Be that as it may, if you want to win in Texas, you need to be tougher than your opponent, natural selection at its finest.

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