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Thursday, January 18, 2007

Senate moves toward a clash with Bush / Nonbinding resolution against troop boost is introduced, called message to president

Nonbinding resolution against troop boost is introduced

This is just... idiocy, isn't it? If we're just electing people to go and vote as the polls at any given time indicate, then why are we wasting the time and money? Why not just fire all the representatives, senators, president... mayors, governors, state officials, etc., and just act according to how these polls magically indicate the supposed will of the people? We'd save millions on the salaries alone. Let's go another step and fire the court system too, that way popular opinion can flex its muscle there too and we can save a lot of time and money with that whole appellate process, pfft, surely the opinion of the masses must be right! Right?

Hell no. In fact, most people are stupid. Polls reflect what the average American FEELS to be true or right or whatever. I say feels because most Americans don't know or otherwise lack the intellectual power to fully understand world events. (I'm not trying to be mean, just being honest) So when I see elected officials that have their roles ass-backwards, it's disappointing. No... no... that can't be right, that's just too stupid. It must be something else. Something even more pathetic.

Oh yeah, grand-standing. That's it. This is all just a show. Don't pay attention to what they're doing because they know it doesn't matter, and the ones that may actually think it matters are the average Americans who drive the poll results. Yeah, that's it, make them think you're doing their will, that way you might get some votes. Yeah, forget about doing the right thing, it's all about getting re-elected or elected to a more powerful position. That's what it's all about, it's just a game no different than any other, one that people try to win.

Americans like winners though. And that's the problem in Iraq. Of course Bush gets it right for once, changing the game plan because the old one wasn't working. That's what we Americans were collectively wanting in the last election, to change something in order to win in Iraq so we can get the hell out of Iraq. I'll agree with the masses on that one. So the Democrats naturally don't get it, go to the extreme and think that in order to better pander to the average American's thought, that we should simply get out of Iraq, asap.

Sometimes I wonder if the big whigs in the Democratic Party even think, or do they just go on feelings and sense of smell. I admit I was wanting someone other than Bush for president... all the Dems had to do was put up someone agreeable to the nation. What did they do, they put up a liberal guy from the North who didn't fight back, and during a debate, after giving a great come-back that can be likened to a boxer hitting his opponent so hard it sends the guy buckling, continued to talk about some BS and made the hard punch into a weak jab. How stupid. Up until then, I think he had made some progress on overcoming his Yankeeness, and that's a compliment.

Anyway, once again the Dems appear to be out of touch. Lieberman is probably the only, or one of very few, to have it right. Of course, he had to become an independent to get his message out. Dems should learn from what happened... but they won't. Nope, they'll continue to be reactionists, getting the wrong messages, screwing up. I bet they think they won the last elections based on their platform... WRONG! They only won because people wanted something different to happen in Iraq. That's it. No American wants to lose, and simply pulling out of Iraq would be worse than losing.

What's hard to imagine is that in WWII, we'd lose thousands upon thousands of people in a single battle. We've only lost a few thousand people in this entire conflict so far and yet you'd think we were suffering heavier losses than we did in WWII. Look at the Vietnam death tolls, we're doing a lot better than back then too. Anyway, I'm sure that's of no help to those who've lost loved ones over there, but in looking at the big picture, we're changing a whole country, insurgency included, with surprisingly low casualties. That's a testament to how well our military operates. Surely, if the politicians would support the military and free them up to do what they need to do, then we can get the job done in Iraq.

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