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Friday, October 09, 2009

Perry endorses the greatest injustice

KHOU Article
As if it wasn't bad enough that Perry was governor and signed off on killing an innocent person, despite possibly knowing that serious questions were raised regarding the "science" used to convict, he recently rearranged the commission looking into whether Texas, my home state, killed an innocent man. The result of the change is that the commission is no longer going to consider the report that says the methods used back then, which resulted in many convictions, was junk science.

Not only has a man died from the junk science, but many are still behind bars because of it.

You know, I liked Perry, but this really shows a lack of backbone, a lack of being proactive, a lack of leadership. It reeks of scandal, of a cover-up, and of course a continuing injustice.

Perry could have emerged fine from this if he had taken steps to right whatever wrongs were made... but instead he appears to want to cover it up... so there's something that must be even worse we're just not seeing right now.

Screw this... crap. Integrity is something you have to maintain, you can't have it and then do shadowy things and expect that your prior integrity will keep you afloat. No, it doesn't work like that. When a ship loses its integrity, it takes on water, and may even sink unless you work on restoring its integrity.

Perry would seeming have only taken collateral damage to his integrity if he just somehow misjudged the report, or he somehow never saw it... etc. But this shadowy replacement of commissioners to downplay a very significant event, killing an innocent man, is a full blown hit that punctures the hull. The Perry ship is taking water.

Whether this will cause more hits to be taken and sink him is yet to be determined of course, but it really has the smell of conspiracy to cover up something. And that in and of itself, in the context of an innocent man being executed, is enough to indicate that Perry is not worthy to govern Texas.

Texas needs a governor who not only knows how to ride and steer, but must also know when to stand. That means, even if a thousand courts have said, "This man is guilty under the law and should be executed," if a Texas governor sees that something just isn't right, be it that modern technology indicates otherwise, that he's got a pretty good idea the condemned man is may be innocent, etc., then the governor will do what is right despite the earlier decisions.

Perry said that he agreed with the courts. So what? What the hell kind of excuse is that? It simply isn't the point unless he's saying, between the lines, that he did not believe the genuine genius of a man who has debunked arson investigators who rely on old wives tales and general opinions to determine if arson occurred.

You know, technology isn't static... in an age where AMD and Intel are both constantly improving, in a country where the standard of living increases about as fast as the technology does, how stupid is it to rely on stuff a decade old compared to stuff that can proved today? DNA testing anyone? Hello? So when Perry said he agreed with the courts, he was basically saying he did not believe in modern technology. That's just idiocy. Is he a Luddite? WTF?

So, I'm no longer going to support Perry. I simply cannot believe in someone who either 1. Lied; or 2. Lied. Yes, no matter how you cut this, there is a lie in there, and that is not tolerable on something as important as the execution of an innocent man.

So, who to vote for. Certainly not Perry anymore. And no, not Kay Bay Hutchinson either. I'll have to look into it more, I think Kinky is running as democrat, and he seems to be someone who would actually have the mind to act on something that would cause the greatest of injustices. And if he were to execute an innocent man and then realize it later, then he seems like he would try to make sure it never happened again. But, there may be other candidates like that as well, I need to look and figure out who else.

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