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Thursday, April 01, 2010

Terrorists Suck

Funerals were held Thursday at four Moscow cemeteries for some of the subway victims. At the Khovanskoye cemetery, the family, friends and colleagues of Anna Permyakova, a 34-year-old nurse, could not hold back tears as they placed flowers on her open casket. Permyakova had worked in a rehabilitation center and many of her former patients attended the funeral in wheelchairs.
This nurse was obviously a really good person.

And that's the problem, these terrorist scum are killing good people. People who make a difference for the better. People who impact lives in a positive way. And they're being killed.

It's just so sad that good people die due to these really stupid, misguided, selfish jerks. Maybe now Russia will open its eyes about terrorism, and the threat of those countries that willingly harbor and/or advocate terrorists. I doubt it though, it wasn't that long ago they bombings and Russia still supports Iran.

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