One of these people is a murderer.
The Story
She went to study abroad, in Italy, and ended up teaching us all a lesson. That lesson is this: If you are outside of the USA, and it looks like you might be involved in a crime, get your ass back to the USA. Amanda could have come back at one point, but didn't. Maybe she thought that because she is innocent, that she was safe.
I repeat, if you are outside the USA and it looks like you might be involved in a crime, get your ass back to the USA. The more serious the crime, the more you need to pack your bags and get back.
Listen, the "birthplace" of civilization is by no means an example of a modern society. The birthplace is usually associated with the middle east, fertile crescent... which as anyone knows is a pretty ass backwards place. A baby is by no means an example of an adult.
Italy contained the capitol of the Roman Republic/Empire. They were very influential, and all that stuff... but by no means is Italy a country that you should have any faith in their judiciary. For one, they are known for being corrupt. Heard of the mafia? Heard of payoffs? Heard of Mussolini? It's been in the news, has made headlines, etc., enough to where one should know going in there, that despite the great beauty in the place, it's not America, they'll torture you.
Democracy, fairness, individual rights, it's newer there than it is here. You can be innocent and get convicted anywhere, but it's less likely you'll get convicted here if you're innocent than most other countries. So if you find a roommate dead in your apartment with her throat slit and semi-nude, or otherwise find out about it, get out. Get out now. Who cares if it makes you look guilty, it's better than actually being found guilty in their corrupt system. So get out.
This girl is obviously innocent. For one, she was a college student that smoked pot. No college girl smoking pot can get into a rage or angry enough to kill someone. The defense should just admit that into evidence somehow and rest their case because it's almost like a natural law.
That, and she's hot. What hot chick is going to commit murder? - When you get out of there, Amanda, look me up whenever you're in Austin. ;) - Sorry, she just doesn't look or act like someone who can do it. Plus, and maybe slightly more importantly, I saw a news program talking about this case which showed the prosecutors' theory on how and why she did it as being very flimsy and it simply doesn't make sense. One guy admitted guilt already to some charge in the murder, and it looks much more plausible that he did a rape/murder.
Anyway, no matter the outcome, learn from this and get the hell out of whatever foreign country you're in when it looks like you could get accused of a serious crime.
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