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Friday, December 12, 2008

Ass Backwards American Auto Industry

Bailout dead, automakers in search of a lifeline: "'Due to this colossal failure by the U.S. Senate, now it's up to the president and the Treasury secretary,' Bernero said Friday on CBS''Early Show.''Working Americans will appreciate the president stepping in - and pull us back from the precipice, pull us back from the economic cliff.'"
What? The Senate's failure? WRONG! It's the F-ing auto industry's own fault. The signs were on the horizon when even the best German auto maker, Daimler (Mercedes), couldn't revamp Chrystler enough to want to stay here.

An even bigger sign of how out of their F-ing minds they are, they ride up to congress in private jets to "beg" for money. They're not hungry. They're either unwilling or unable to change enough to become successful in America.

The dinosaurs need to die if that's what it takes to bring in a new species that's hungry enough to want to attract the American consumer, and be able to adapt to meet shifts in the market. Ford, GM and Chrystler have all proven they can't, and as much as it may hurt people when they die, it's not the Senate's fault, nor the President's, it's simply the fault of bad, ineffective, outdated management who are already wealthy and will remain that way even if their company fails.

And that's why it's such a farce that they drove up in hybrids the second time they begged for money. They could afford their jets without using company money, so it was all just for appearances. To be really begging for money, they should have showed up nearing their last dime of even personal wealth... like Amazon. That guy put his heart and soul into that company, plenty of times I'm sure when it was on the brink of collapse. Let the dinosaurs die so that maybe the of the auto industry will be able to compete for our business.

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