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Thursday, June 09, 2005

Award Limit in Tobacco Case Sets Off a Strenuous Protest - New York Times

Award Limit in Tobacco Case Sets Off a Strenuous Protest - New York Times

So, the whiners here are those who have the power to make tobacco illegal. So if they were really concerned about the health issues, then they could do something more productive than whine about the money that they were expecting to get from tobacco companies.

The original figure was based on testimony from Dr. Michael C. Fiore, an expert on tobacco addiction, who said an effective nationwide program that included a telephone help-line, access to medical treatment and counseling and a budget for advertising and promotion would cost $5.2 billion a year for 25 years

I don't think I like the idea of the government relying on one person's testimony/research in seeking billions of dollars. Me thinks other experts' figures were probably less than this guy's.

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