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Thursday, March 31, 2005

Bush Social Security "Plan"

Yahoo! News - Bush Undeterred by Resistance to Plan

What plan? He's going on tour to promote an idea. The idea is privitization of social security, oxymoronish? Does anyone have any details about this supposed plan? Costs? Savings? Any unbiased study on how this would help? Come on, even Alan Greenspan only gave it a slight nod because he knows something has to be done urgently. Let me display my ignorance of the plan even more, when I hear privitization, I think of the privitization of energy companies and how that blew up in a major way. When I hear privitization, I'm thinking Enron, and know someone will be making a lot of money if it were to happen, and at the expense of those who were forced or lured into this so called plan. But I don't blame Bush, I blame his obviously inferior education at Yale.

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